Meet the bubbly blondie behind A Piece of Elise

Elise Purdon, the 23 year old Canadian born, fresh face graduate behind the blog, A piece of Elise, took us to the newest branch of Gram at EmQuartier last week where we explored their newest menu – decked out with Superfood bowls, organic gourmet salads, booster protein smoothies and healthy green juices. It was a stylish and clean pick for a true fashionista as we both were entertained by how colourful our ordered dishes were – it was an Instagram flat-lay perfection!

Elise also recently celebrated her blog’s one year anniversary and it’ s a hit as her blondie locks definitely stands out from the local Bangkok fashion crowd. A Piece of Elise energetic vibes is exactly just like Elise’s personality. Let’s find out what this bubbly babe has planned after graduation, her fashion aspirations, blogging journey so far and her experience living and blogging overseas.

 1. How did you get started with your blog?

I started my blog last year as I was finishing up my business degree. I was so obsessed with clothes that even during economics class I would be day dreaming about shoes, so I decided I needed to do something with my fashion energy or I may never make it out of school. Hence, A Piece of Elise was born!

2. How has your blog evolved since your started until now?

I wouldn’t say my blog has evolved a lot, but my comfort and confidence in the act of blogging has evolved immensely. It has been 1 year since I made APOE and my first posts were very shy and awkward, whereas now I feel happy and comfortable in front of the camera. I am also much for confident in my personal style and with speaking about fashion to others. However, the core identity of A Piece of Elise has remained the same over the past year – it is somewhere I share my fashion obsessions in an approachable, fun and easy going way. Having said that, there are some BIG changes coming to APOE in the next few months, so stay tuned because this will probably be the blog’s biggest changes yet!

3. Do you have any fashion icons/inspirations?

I absolutely love Rachel Zoe. I think she has such iconic personal style – she’s been wearing flared jeans for the past 5 years when everyone was wearing the skinny leg, but now flare is coming back. She is also glamourous and classy – she never shows her legs! She is also an extremely successful self made business woman, who also has a family. She has pretty much managed to brand the idea of being a stylist, which is something that would have seemed “un-brandable” a decade ago. Talk about a fashion lover’s role model!

4. How would you describe your personal style?

My personal style could be described as random. The thoughts going on in my head are often shared through what I wear. If I’m feeling like a party, you will probably catch me in a dress. If I’m lazy, possibly silk PJ’s in public. When I have a business meeting and I feel intimidated, I will probably dress was above my age. If I’m hyper, maybe I’ll wear something crazy! Having said that, my style is always changing, but one thing that remains the same is that it is always quite feminine.



5. Blogging in Bangkok: best moments and tough challenges?

Blogging in Bangkok is great because there aren’t many bloggers, which means that I may have more readership that I would in a city that is saturated with them. Having said that, this can also be a disadvantage because it means I have less blogger friends to hang out with and to learn from. It also means that many brands haven’t worked with bloggers before, nor do they understand how it can benefit them. This means I spend a lot of time talking with brands and working out the details before I can create the content for them. It is also difficult because I can’t write Thai, although it would mean the world to communicate with my Thai readers in their native language. Having my blog in both languages is something that I dream of!

 Emquartier Garden2    Emquartier Garden

6. How do you set yourself apart from other bloggers?

I set myself apart from really trying to be myself and to be approachable. So much of fashion blogging these days is appearing glamourous and having a fake facade, whereas A Piece of Elise is all about laughter, having fun and simply creating a community of love. Wow, how cheesy am I?! Anyways, you will rarely see my posts without a smile, which is because I try not to take myself too seriously, which I something I think more bloggers should do!


7. Most rewarding moments as a blogger?

My most rewarding moment as a blogger was when I had 3 women in the same day tell me that they have made fashion decisions based upon things they found on my blog! This was a bit scary for me, given that sometimes I forget that there are so many readers behind my computer, but it was also a dream come true! When they said that I really felt to excited to know that people trust my opinions, value what I say and above all are actually really reading my blog!!!

8.How do you go from blogging for fun to blogging as a job?

I think the harder you work, the more your audience grows and then eventually people want to work with you as a marketing tool to gain exposure for their brands. It doesn’t happen on it’s own, it takes time and you got to put in the hours, but if you love it then it won’t feel like work!

9. Favorites brands?

Ek Thongprasert Necklaces – I’m obsessed with his work…. and him… 😛

10. Summer trends this season?

It seems to be all about fringe bags and gladiator sandals! I love summer season because it’s often more casual and all about beachy waves, sunnies and having fun. However, by the end of summer I’m always excited for serious winter fashion and layering too!

11. The next project you’re most excited about?

MY OWN COLLECTION! This is my first time announcing this publicly, so if you’re reading this you’re getting the inside scoop. I won’t reveal details yet, but it’s exciting and if you know me you won’t be surprised about what I’ve got coming because it’s my favorite fashion thing in the world! Stay tuned!

12. Any challenges to living abroad in Thailand?

This is a HUGE questions. There are always challenges, but my opinions and perspectives of Thailand are always changing. I’m not going to touch upon differences such a individuality and collectivism, which might be what I struggle with most, but that would take essays to complete! Instead, I’m just going to talk about people, traffic and heat! Growing up in Canada, where we have a population of almost zero, in a country where traffic is 2 cars and temperatures are cold, I basically moved to the complete opposite. That in itself has posed a lot of challenges! It though taking outfit photos outside in the 40 degree heat!


13. Now that you’ve graduated where do u see your blog in 5 years time?

I plan to created higher quality content. I will have more time to make things even more interesting for the readers! Exciting! I am also going to have some original products coming your way soon. I also might start some YouTube, but that isn’t for sure yet. Got to stop being scared of video first!

Well, we spent the day with Elise and she definitely was a natural in front of the camera! Stay tuned to find out more about her tips and tricks of creating a beautiful Instagram following and how to make your feed stand out! Be sure to follow her on Instagram @apoelise and fun blog



Photo credit: Kenny and APOE Blog

The Battle of the Sandals and the Sneakers Edit

SO summer is still in full swing and but I’m sure most of us have seen the death of the Isabel Marant sneakers thing. Ash was also doing well with the lower price points for the awesomely-winter-you-need-to-have-them-in-every-colour-sneakers too. It’s like if you didn’t get your hands on an $800 pair of  sneakers – you’re not an It-street style blogger)

But hey, it’s hot and you need to show off your beautifully pedicured bright coloured toes right regardless of where you got them done at home or at the pinkish Soho nail bar! So here are some hot-hit sandal trends for the summer.

Birkenstocks are back!

Birkenstocks are back!

The Adidas Shower Sandals

The Adidas Shower Sandals

The Sneakers Mix: New Balance & Free Runs

The Sneakers Mix: New Balance & Free Runs

PS. I can’t overlook how obsessseddd I am with the colourful New Balance sneakers and the pastel colour free runs. Pretty old news but Still amazing – they’re my one and only inspiration that makes me haul my ass out of bed to go to the gym – toes covered up and what not.  Stay tuned this week!!


New Home Project Inspirations

Hello all! I’m so ecstatic to be joining CuratedbyKiki as one of the curators…taking you into my interior-décor-obsessed realm of home fashions every week. Although I’d consider myself a lady who prides herself on a sweet investment leather handbag, pair of stilettos and occasional new staple addition to the wardrobe every now and then, lately I’ve been finding myself more entranced into the art of decorating one’s “humble abode”.  It’s my current shopping weakness. And after making a recent move from a smaller-scaled apartment in New York City to a more spacious old brownstone in downtown Jersey City, my shopaholic-meets-interior-decorator inclinations have amplified to a whole new [scarier] level (which serves as unfortunate news to my bank account).

Although I can’t wait to feature snaps of my new place, I’d like to first share some interior “eye candy” that has served as major inspiration for my new home project challenge:

1. Jenna Lyon’s Brownstone Apartment



Call me absurdly obsessed but I google this fine lady’s personal fashion and home style like pretty much everyday. Whenever I feel like I’m in a decorator’s “rut”, I look to thy genius Lyons for daily inspiration as she never fails to deliver. Much of the features of her previous Brooklyn home are similar to my new place – the historic crown moldings, marble fireplace and mantel, and parquet hardwood floors (characters that define the traditional brownstone setting). Taking this into mind, I thought a few pieces were necessary in complementing these historic detailings. I’ve recently purchased a “gi-normous” gold gilded mantel mirror, English arm roll sofa from and an antique French gilt bronze crystal chandelier.

2. Moroccan Shag Rugs



Although my first thoughts when decorating the living room was to go with a traditional Persian rug in rich reddish/pink tones, I realized that the room needed to be brightened up a bit given that we moved into a place that had built-in mahogany armoires, cherry oak floors and black mantels (lots of dark hues to be exact). After some days of Pinterest-esque home browsing, I noticed the popular trend in these rugs. My first thought was, “definitely do not want a shaggy rug ever again”. Although they’re pretty to look at and feel plush and squishy under bare feet, they shed like pugs – meaning consistent fuzz bunnies at every corner of the house and never-ending sessions with the vacuum. But I couldn’t shake off how gorgeous they were (to my eyes at least), and they really make a room seem more spacious. After some weeks of research, I found a Moroccan rug that apparently has minimal to no shedding and received great feedback. I took the plunge in hopes that it won’t disappoint and so far, so good. I’ve just received it a couple days ago and have to say…, you’re freaking awesome!

3. The Many Wonders of Mason Jars




Two facts about me: when I love something and it’s cheap, I always buy in bulk! So had a happy day when I bought 10 thousand mason jars from their site (well, not10,000 but you get my point). I have loads that I intend to use for MANY purposes. Who would’ve known that a classic jar, which I thought at first would only work as storage for spaghetti sauce and jams could be so effortlessly chic and versatile? My peonies and candles will find new homes in these little babies!

4. All Things Sheepskin




Just like mason jars, the sheepskin rug has served to please for many purposes. And that includes not only prettifying a home and making it look so plush and inviting, but also being incredibly comfortable for all-day couch potato wear. Seriously, these things feel so soft and amazing. The first time I laid eyes on them I thought “easy on the eyes, but that’s gotta be itchy”.  But I was clearly inaccurate. They are the best and can easily turn an ordinary furniture piece into something gorgeous and comfy. So far I use them for my wooden dining bench and lounge seating chairs in the living room. During the winter months, I like to prop them on our sofa for added toastiness. They just engulf you into a sleepy and tranquil abyss. I’d highly recommend them for anyone’s home.

On the quest for satiating my needs for a perfectly pretty house, these four little inspirations have really helped turn our space into a cozy home with a cottage-like atmosphere. We definitely did a 180 spin from our previous apartment in Manhattan. Although we loved the details of a modern high-rise with its clean, white modular lines and sense of minimalism, it felt more like a cool hotel than an actual home. Our new place certainly gives off that warm and lovely feel that we’ve been looking for. Check back with me next week for a peek into the new place!  To give you an idea…here’s a snap from our tree-lined street:


By Lauren.

brazil trip

Blogger Style Series: Lauren from littlefashionbird

We are super excited to bring on board a fashion blogger turned social media maven to curate home decor and interior design for us. Lauren has quite an eye for antique furniture to classy black & white Chanel-haute-couture look. I was always in awe of the decor of her recent apartment in downtown Manhattan; she mixed luxury elegance with a chic feminine feel. Absolutely LOVED all the snaps from her Instagram handle.

Lauren is also up-to-date in the fashion world, but she always has a bohemian chicness about her style and a great eye for mix & matching vintage with brand names. Let’s find out what she’s all about!


Lauren Baluyo graduated from The Fashion Institute of Technology with a degree in advertising and marketing communications, and studied fashion journalism at New York University. She has over six years of collective fashion experience working for ELLE Magazine, Albright NYC and The Daily Mirror in London, as well as launching a blog in 2009 called “Little Fashion Bird”.

Currently, Lauren is a social media manager and digital strategist for Camille La Vie, a women’s clothing brand specializing in social occasion dresses. Along with fashion, Lauren has been expanding her interests and passions (or better yet, obsessions) within the realm of interior design and decor. By using her own place as her “dressform” and immersing herself in various outlets dedicated to this area, she continues to learn and experiment on different ways to turn an ordinary space into a personalized and cozy home.

1. Where is your favourite spot in the world?
Oxford, UK (without a doubt)…I’d consider this place my “home far away from home”. There’s something truly magical as you stroll around this city. From the historic university architectures, parks, rivers, even down to the local ice cream shop, pub and movie theater, it’s not your average town.

2. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Ideally, in a perfect world, the CEO of my own social media platform with a focus on fashion and interior design. And of course having kids, the white picket fence scenario, setting up lemonade stands and all that good stuff!

3. Favourite dish?
Tough one as I LIVE for food! But if it has to be one, it would certainly be basil pesto over linguine. I could have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday of my life.

4. Best trip you’ve ever had?
My FIT summer abroad in London (for many memorable reasons). Then comes my 3-month stay in Brazil. Loved every second of it!

5. Who are you dying to take on a dinner date with?
Could there be a few people at this dinner? At the moment, I would love to pick the fabulous brains of Jenna Lyons of J Crew and Katherine Power & Hillary Kerr of WhoWhatWear and Domaine Home. These women never cease to inspire me…they have this phenomenal vision and successful work ethic in making things look AMAZING and SO PRETTY (both at work and at home)! It would be nice to be in the presence of these genius minds and understand how they got started, what drives them everyday and how they strike a “chic” balance between business and personal life.

6. Tell us a little somethin somethin no one else knows!
I just burned a hole in my credit card at H&M’s new online store. Their home collection and prices are insane …I think I bought one or two of everything (literally).

7. Where are you living right at the moment?
Just moved out of our apartment in Manhattan into what feels like a cozy old English cottage in Paulus Hook (downtown Jersey City). It’s a joy to come home from work to this delightful and peaceful neighborhood everyday.

8. Where can we catch you next month?
In Los Angeles for a Camille La Vie photo shoot with one of the stars from “Pretty Little Liars”…kind of excited about this work trip. And hopefully on the streets of NYC for NYFW!

Lauren's 5 things1. Eyeko liquid eyeliner
2. Caudalie Beaute Elixir
3. my iPhone
4. Moroccan oil
5. Hummus